Using our ingenuity, portfolio, and commitment, we develop accessible power generation resources and assist utility-scale and rooftop projects for businesses in India. Power your business with an array of energy-efficient and sustainable solar solutions today

String Combiner Box

PV systems are particularly finicky to power fluctuations, which poses a challenge for solar installers. String Combiner Box rescues solar equipment against such surges

String Monitoring Box

VNT’s string monitoring box enables you to monitor system performance while maintaining exceptional system safety customized as per business needs

Solar AC Distribution Panel

Designed to provide great system performance as well as enhanced protection by isolating the inverter from the mains when necessary.

Solar LT Metering Panel

Fulfilling major industrial power purposes, solar LT metering panel serves as the best solution for effortless monitoring, sealing provision, and space-friendly metering

Greener. Connected.  Protected.

At Vrinda Nano Technologies, our holistic approach is to address critical priorities, innovate extensive strategies, and engineer them for a greater purpose.
