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Electrical Health Safety Study

Electrical equipment must be safe at all times, and this lies within the responsibility of the employer. However, hidden or apparent equipment defects pose a risk to employees and may lead to accidents repeatedly.

VNT performs reliable and comprehensive Electrical Health Safety Study based on expertise gained from years of expertise. Our Periodic Inspections ensure that electrical equipment is in good order and condition, as well as devoid of deficiencies that may cause hazardous situations at all times. You can take simple precautions when working with or near electricity and electrical equipment to significantly reduce the risk of injury to you, your workers, and others around you, apart from getting in touch with us to get the a complete risk and health assessment of electrical equipment of your premises.

Our Comprehensive Electrical
Safety Audit Follows:

✔️ Applicable standards (national and international), such as, but not limited to – IS 14489
✔️ Code of Practice of Occupational Health & Safety Audits
✔️ CEA Regulations (2010 and its amendments)
✔️ National Building Code 2016
✔️ National Lightning Code 2010

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