Strategic Solar Integration: Boosting Manufacturing Efficiency With Our Tailored Solution

Solar energy is the most abundant, replenishable source of energy on Earth. Nearly 52% of renewable energy in India is solar, which is 10,000 times more than global energy use. The use of solar power can lead to sustainable growth in the country. People have realised that adopting renewable sources is the only way to mitigate climate change. This has led to a steady increase in people adopting solar energy. 

The use of solar technology for efficiency improvements in manufacturing is one of the critical targets of a nation. Solar integration is the incorporation of solar systems into the existing energy landscape. Let’s delve deeper into the topic to gain a better understanding. 

What is strategic solar integration?

Technologies through which solar energy is integrated into existing power grids to bring in benefits of energy autonomy, security, and efficiency are called strategic solar integration. Solar integration includes:

  • Planning the feasibility of integration based on consumption and future needs
  • Designing the grid connectivity to ensure hassle-free and continuity in operations
  • Analysing the need for excess energy storage and creating facilities for the same
  • Identifying any risk involved, communicating the same to stakeholders, and providing risk mitigation strategies

Benefits of solar integration

Solar integration can bring a sea of benefits to industries and the environment. Some of them are listed here:

  1. Clean energy source

Solar energy is known to be the cleanest source of energy. Over the years, the indiscriminate use of non-renewable power sources has led to the accumulation of greenhouse gases beyond reasonable limits. Solar integration is the only way to bring about carbon neutrality, essential to mitigate climate change.

  1. Cost savings

Significant cost savings can be experienced with strategic solar implementation. Non-renewable sources are expensive due to their limited availability and heavy demand. Solar power is abundantly available and is an excellent option for residential and industrial purposes to reduce energy bills.

With the government announcing more subsidies to the solar sector, solar integration is a cost-effective solution.

  1. Energy independence

Due to the demand-supply imbalance, more dependence on non-renewable sources can be a huge burden. Promoting solar integration can result in energy independence. Households and industries can be self-sufficient for their energy needs, resulting in increased stability in the nation. The geo-political influences and the price fluctuations in the fossil fuel sector do not affect a country when it obtains energy independence.

  1. Environmental protection

Solar energy does not cause any pollution and is an environment-friendly option. A tremendous amount of damage has already been done to the environment with the pollution caused by burning fossil fuels. Solar integration can bring about drastic, favourable changes to the environment.

Solar integration and manufacturing efficiency improvements

With its tremendous advantages, solar integration is crucial for a nation’s sustainable development. It can act as a stimulus for boosting manufacturing efficiency with its innumerable benefits. Let us explore in depth how solar energy integration helps accelerate performance:

  1. Government incentives and subsidies
  • In an effort to protect the environment, governments across the globe have announced many incentives and subsidies. For example, solar power systems with a capacity of up to 3 kW are eligible for a subsidy of nearly INR 18000 per kW. This varies depending on the plant’s capacity.
  • Many industries have been able to transition to solar energy due to these government benefits, which ultimately resulted in efficiency improvements in manufacturing. 
  • The financial advantages, coupled with the reduction in investment costs, are a great way for industries to prioritize spending on more essential areas.
  1. Cost savings
  • Apart from the incentives, the cost of solar energy is much less than the cost incurred from non-renewable sources.
  • A significant reduction in energy bills can be seen, which in turn has a positive influence on efficiency improvements. 
  • A study by IRENA states that the cost of setting up solar PV projects dropped by 80% between 2010 and 2018.
  • Solar integration can reduce industries’ dependence on government and private energy suppliers.
  1. Balance demand
  • Solar integration can make industries self-sufficient and thereby provide for their energy demands.
  • Setting up solar power systems on the premises can help ensure the exclusive availability of power. Also, energy can be stored for use later during outage periods, thus boosting manufacturing efficiency.
  • This can ultimately reduce reliance on renewable power sources that charge heavily for peak demand periods.
  1. Brand image building
  • Society is becoming more aware of sustainability and environmental issues. Adopting eco-friendly practices such as solar integration can improve brand reputation. 
  • This will usher in more consumers who are looking for eco-conscious companies.
  • Solar integration can thus improve efficiency and stand apart from the competition.

Role of VNT in strategic solar integration

VNT has been instrumental in helping the world become a greener place with its sustainable solutions. As pioneers in the field, we enable the complete energy revolution of industries. We help power businesses with energy-efficient solar solutions. 

Adhering to timelines for project implementation, maintaining performance, and efficient quality control have helped in the manufacturing process optimization of many industries. Our solar solutions include String Combiner Box, String Monitoring Box, Solar AC Distribution Panels, and Solar LT Metering Panels. Earthing study, electrical health safety study, etc., are critical to maintaining equipment safety, ensuring that they are in order, and preventing any hazardous situations. All these vital aspects that are important for solar integration are also taken care of by VNT’s energy experts.

VNT understands the role of solar integration in the country’s sustainable development. With sustainability being our key driving force, we provide innovative end-to-end solutions that aid in accelerating manufacturing efficiency. We offer tailored solutions to meet the needs of respective industries, thus helping them with considerable cost reduction. We also ensure that all our products are in accordance with national and international standards. 

Connect with us to travel along the road to sustainable development.

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