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Lightning Protection Study

With lightning being the most common weather hazard, protecting the buildings/structures and equipment from a lightning strike is essential. VNT’s Lightning Protection Study helps in designing and installation of protection devices in compliance with the most advanced standards: IS/IEC 62305; NBC 2016; OISD 180, amongst others.

We undertake complete assessment of your business – from Risk Analysis (as per IS/IEC 62305-2 against lightning surge for any industrial site/commercial infrastructure) to Designing and Installation (as per IS/IEC 62305-3&4). VNT provides advanced distinctive solutions & services in the field of lightning and surge protection.

The complete work involves:

✔️ Site Survey
✔️ Soil Resistivity Test
✔️ A study of:

⭕ Existing earthing & lightning protection systems
⭕ Electrical layout plan
⭕ Designing the required Lightning Protection System as per IEC/BIS guidelines

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